On several occasions, you know I’ve made disparaging remarks about individual women. You recently heard some of them. And my opponents are digging up more from years past, as well. Maybe I’m the first Presidential candidate to say disrespectful things in public — things better left unsaid or said behind closed doors — as would be the case in the behavior of most people, especially politicians. So you must assume that I have no self control. Here’s the truth. Almost everyone at various times is two-faced, especially when they have something to gain or lose. People don’t say what they really think, out of fear — fear of losing business, of losing a job, of hurting feelings, of being unpopular and any number of other reasons. They simply lie to make themselves look good. We have a President who’s a master of the two-faced game. Hillary Clinton has been dishonest for so long, it’s a habit. A lot of broadcast celebrities have lost their jobs for making one politically incorrect remark. On the other hand, being filthy rich gives people like me a fearless independence. We don’t care what people think. In one way, that’s good; in another, it’s bad. Being rude is not a good attribute, rich or not. It’s OK to tell it like it is, but not OK to be insulting. I get it. I’m sorry for letting myself give in to knee-jerk wisecracks. That said, it is true that I don’t like some women. Some women are very unlikable. At the same time, I have hired thousands of women, have paid them fairly and love to see them succeed. Women have built America, working right alongside men and frankly are the real strength behind every family. More than men, women are the essential force behind this extraordinary country. But please understand – by saying this, I’m not pandering to you for your support. I do want you to vote for me for one reason and one reason only — because my policies. leadership and devotion to America will be good for Her and all her citizens. If you don’t support me, make sure it’s because you think my leadership can’t make America great again, not because you believe I’m anti-woman. That allegation is patently untrue, no matter what kind of comments have come out of my mouth. All I ask of you is that you think about your future — economically, culturally and spiritually. And think about the safety of you, your children, your friends and family. America is too big, too bright and too important to the world to be held back by special interests and a continuation of Obama’s ruinous policies. His policies have been bad for women — especially young women. That said, I want to address the issue that seems to dominate women’s concerns — abortion and reproductive rights. First, I believe this is a matter better left to to people at the State level. The Federal Government has no right to dictate that what may be good for California is also good for Alabama. For instance, many States have passed bills outlawing partial birth abortion. I think this is a good step because killing a 20-week-old baby is barbaric. I do believe life is sacred. Many people I love might not have been here if years ago abortion had been as trivial and pervasive as it is today. Regardless, the fact is women can take pills and avoid pregnancies. Under the law today, women are free to seek abortions. This is a choice. It’s a life altering choice. Unfortunately, our culture essentially encourages young women to be promiscuous with no fear of outcome. Therefore, I plead with all women — and men — to be accountable and responsible for their own lives — to adopt ethical lifestyles — and to live healthy, happy and productive lives. I respect women who respect themselves and I will do everything in my power to empower them. Let’s be fair to America, to each other, and do the right thing.
Donald J. Trump
- This letter is a Fodder composition. CD