Proof Under Fire

Every four years Americans have the opportunity to re-elect a President or choose a new one. The majority of Democrat voters choose a Democrat candidate and the majority of Republican voters choose a Republican candidate. No critical thinking needed here. The rest of the electorate choose one or the other for wildly  different reasons. A few voters play multiple choice and do the eeny-meeny-miny-moe drill. Some might check out Vegas odds and go with the favorite. Others listen to alphabet soup Media. Of course, to feel all warm and fuzzy, most will side with their social pack. Very few of these people will bother to scope out qualifications, much less accomplishments. In hindsight, you remember Obama vs Romney. Obama had zero qualifications beyond his education. He admitted he didn’t believe in American exceptionalism. He embraced socialist policies and cozied up to the Koran. Romney had a superstar resume, and preached Constitutional principles and economic growth. Romney was clearly more qualified. Obama was an empty suit but he told the truth without actually saying the words — “I’m not really an American.” Romney talked conservative principles but he lied without actually saying the words — “I’m a liberal RINO.” Look at both now. True to his word, Obama did all he could to bring America down;  as a Senator, Mitt  has forcefully revealed his true, spiteful colors. You believe average Americans are mega picky about their choices of doctors, dentists, plumbers, roofers, carpenters, hair stylists and personal trainers. Not so with a politician. Except for the candidate’s family and friends and “the intelligentsia,” who can really know presidential material? At the very least, Matilda, you have to do your homework. There’s no mystery about Benedict Biden. He finished at the bottom of his class at both college and law school, lied about double majors, plagiarized numerous writings and speeches and never earned a private sector paycheck. He has spent 47 years as a politician, including eight (8) as vice president under B. Obama and nearly two (2) as president. If his accomplishments interest you, find them in the public record. Take 15 minutes. Well, 10 should do it. Check it out. But for the sake of choosing the next President, the last two (2) years would be more telling than his previous 45. You don’t know Donald Trump. Never met him. Never did business with him. Know someone who apparently did who hates him. Know people who voted for him in 2015 but now think he’s outlived his usefulness because apparently he’s disruptive. Tends to promote a chaotic atmosphere and has no political discipline. Let’s see, what else do others say? One, he can’t be elected. Two, while the Deep State attacks on him are bogus, he just isn’t someone you would call a “paragon of character.” Three, you can grin and bear his flaws because of his accomplishments, but America “deserves a president who brings both policy and character to the job.” And four, he always seems to “attract the attention of the weaponized justice system.” In other words, please, please don’t antagonize the other side. You assume these critics who want pristine policy and character are referring to the high character and policies of past GOP presidents and politicians who willingly bestowed a 30 trillion dollar debt on America’s taxpayers. Also several wars, a corroding education system and the disaster called immigration. Not to mention the cavalier rape of The Constitution. Everybody who’s conscious can experience what’s happening today. That’s easy enough. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. The presidential primaries are well over a year away. The people will choose candidates. When the time comes, you will do your best to avoid assumptions, personalities, fear and conjecture and simply look at proof of performance under fire. That’s what you do when you choose a surgeon or a mechanic — or especially a friend.


One thought on “Proof Under Fire”

  1. Voters as a whole should be ecstatic that we have the right and power to vote for our leaders. Americans are blessed to have so many intelligent, responsible potential leaders. But the majority of Democrat, Republican and independent voters (and non-voting complainers) don’t know the issues, much less both sides of the issues, don’t use the time or energy to learn how we can do our part in making our Country great again. Recognize our blessing of living in a democracy AND recognize our responsibility to retain that blessing.
    Nancy J R Wells

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