One Open Mind.

It’s much easier to fool people than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled.   Mark Twain

Millions upon millions of the vaccinated don’t want to hear it. They don’t want to hear it or see it or read it. Despite fast mounting evidence that the U.S Covid19 vaccine policy was (and is) nothing less than a crime again humanity, the vaccinated will not, perhaps can not, under any circumstances, stomach that possibility. You perfectly understand their perspective. Operating from abject fear, and at the advice of their trusted medical practitioners, they enthusiastically ferry themselves and their children to pony up repeatedly to the jabs. This decision cannot be undone. Something like spilled milk, only worse. And, after all, common sense tells them that thousands of people in high places, including the medical establishment, would never be party to any treatment that would do them harm. And, justifiably, they take solace in the knowledge that millions of vaccinated Americans seem to be getting along just fine, thank you. Why, thinking your government and other institutions would purposely put your health at risk is absurd, even contemptible, if not criminal. This is America, for God’s sake. This is not a country that could be associated with a plot to oppress or subjugate Her people. Or, God forbid, commit genocide against them. You could never harbor that thought, not for even a second; so lock it in the vault. Forget about it. Bury it as you do your private secrets known only to you and your Maker. And then get on with life. However, it won’t be all that easy. Because you must decide whether you should risk associating with the unvaccinated who Mr. Biden and others in the Federal Establishment have branded screwball, egoist conspirators and a menace to society. Hmmm, under the circumstances, perhaps it would be helpful to clarify what the unvaccinated believe.

The unvaccinated believe . . . .

That all Americans are sovereign, and should be free to make their own health choices.

That Government coercion and mandates violate the most venerated public health principle.

That the Covid “vaccine” is not a vaccine as defined by the established medical community.

That the mRNA jab does not stimulate anyone’s immune system.

That no one — no one — knows the long-term health effects of the Covid19 injections.

That  experimental “vaccines” should have been aimed only at those with risk factors,  and definitely NOT at children.

That your Federal Government and Health Institutions are guilty of crimes against humanity for lying and denying the utilization of early treatment drugs categorically proven to save lives.

That the collusion between your U.S. Government and the Media Industrial Complex is nothing less than totalitarianism.

That the U.S. Government is covering up the dramatic rise in vaccine sudden death and injury.

That Covid19 has broken all records for vaccine injury and death.

These beliefs are just a sampling of a much more complicated and frankly terrifying story. Some of the world’s leading medical and scientific experts tell that story in a powerful documentary entitled Uninformed Consent, produced by Canada’s Matador Films.  Epoch Times promotes the film as The Documentary The “Elites” Hope You Never See. Well, Matilda, as you said many times, you don’t know a vaccinated family member or friend who wants to see it or hear it. But you can’t rule out the possibility that an open mind here or there might be willing to question their own Covid19 bias. Maybe one open mind. That’ll do.

Ed. Note: The url below may not be accessible to those without an Epoch Times subscription. If not, google Uninformed Consent.

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