
There is little, if any, disagreement among polling agencies. All but 11 percent of the people think Hillary Clinton is untrustworthy, dishonest, deceptive, corrupt, blah, blah, blah. Put that conclusion another way. Only 11 percent thinks she’s trustworthy. Nine of ten people think she’s shifty, if not sinister. So what? The statistic is meaningless. Everyone knows who and what Clinton is. That everyone includes what appears to be half the American voters who fully intend to vote for her. That means 9-10 of those Americans who vote for her believe she’s a phony, or worse. If she’s a criminal, what does that make someone who votes for her? You can’t say that millions of people are hopelessly ignorant, can you? You can’t say that millions of people are inherently bad, can you? You can’t imagine that registered Democrats are so wedded to a dumb political party that they would put aside basic morality and vote for a documented crime boss, can you? Yes, yes and yes. A thousand times yes. You are living to witness just the latest version of human deviance. Look at your history books. Study any continent, any civilization, any culture, any millennium, any era, any century, any decade — and you begin to understand the unerring accuracy of that famous axiom: “History repeats itself.” Pay attention, class. If history has been engaged in continuous instant replay, some one or some thing is responsible for that repetition. Summoning every ounce of your intellect, you surmise the guilty parties are not the fish of the sea, nor the fowl of the air, nor the beasts of the field, nor every creeping thing that creepeth upon the face of the earth. Brilliantly, through process of elimination, you confirm that God put you and your ilk — humans — in charge of the replay booth. As an armchair quarterback, it’s easy enough to question His judgment, to ask if He might have considered other options. But you weren’t there on the Seventh Day to appreciate the constraints affecting His decision. Not too long after that first historic act, humans began rioting, killing and pillaging to steal, to rule and to satisfy their lust for blood. The September 21st replay in Charlotte was no different. Once again, a violent minority has intimidated the irrelevant majority — a majority that, with help of a pietistic media, will engage in introspection, to lay bare the cancer of its discrimination, to purge its guilt, to do penance and seek harmony through understanding — until the next riot. Charlotte and her progressive reformer Mayor (Jennifer Roberts) and City Council were primed perfectly for a hot war following a war of words over their unilateral mandate that a grown man could take a leak alongside any female of their choosing, if their feminine side happened to be in charge that day. Now the Mayor has other fish to fry as she reaches out to the NAACP and the local African American community with assurances of her heartfelt intention to seek justice, to erase discrimination and seek economic and social equality. Charlotte is so lucky to have a Mayor who understands why people are so angry. Unfortunately, no one knows how the people of Charlotte or the rest of North Carolina feel. And no one cares, because these people must be the people who are doing the oppressing — the very people the virtuous Colin Kaepernick dumped on by sitting, kneeling or squatting under the American flag. In November, Americans will once again decide whether America is worth their attention. In 2008 and 2012, they elected a black president. Black athletes, black entertainers, black politicians and black media personalities proliferate the landscape as never before. The outcome of this black accomplishment? Racism is more rampant than ever. The black community is more angry than ever. One woman loves the hostility and violence. She depends on it, banks on it as one key to victory. The other more vital key is her gender connection. America’s  women will decide whether Hillary’s a “sister” or a shrew. You hope women will refuse to reward a career of criminal behavior and give America the chance to heal and flourish. You hope women will give you reason to have faith in humanity — to see history reject the replay button, and write a new story.

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