
According to the laws governing human nature, persons who commit crime can never escape the torment of a guilty conscience. Sorry, Matilda, you don’t buy it. You will agree that a percentage of criminals have some measure of remorse and others may truly experience anguish over evil acts. But when it comes to acts of homicide, you want to believe that murderers never get away with it. For instance, when a killer skates free, and many do, how many times have people said something like, “They will never rest and eventually they will wind up paying for their sins.” OK, say that’s true.  Say that  murderers like Willie Lopez (Ghost, 1990) eventually will experience (as he did) abject terror when the Spooks from Hell drag them down into the eternal pit. In reality, and more likely, killers who get away with it couldn’t care less about Hell. In fact, they are relieved to escape exposure, and either double down on a life of crime or decide to secretly behave as pillars of their communities. Then there are the big-shots in America  who commit capital crimes in broad daylight and neither Lady Justice nor the People hold them accountable. These dirt bags who operate above the law are guilty of killing more people than the worst serial killers in history.

You can start with JB who began his political career as a serial liar and plagiarist. Delaware kept him in office long enough to see him abandon Americans in Afghanistan where 13 members of the U.S. military died. This, mind you, is none other than the Commander in Chief who left his troops to die in vain and let the enemy confiscate America’s precious property. How do taxpayers feel about that gift? How do Delaware voters feel about their hero? True, he didn’t personally pull the triggers but he gave the order to cut and run. How do thousands of American families feel now about their sons, daughters, husbands and wives who shed their blood on Afghan soil? Compared to JB, Willie Lopez was a nonentity. But Willie’s in the Abyss and JB loiters in the Oval Office.  True to form, still spouting lies: “C’mon, get the vaccine. The vaccine is perfectly safe.”

Led by the infamous T. Fauci, the leaders of America’s Health agencies also have a date to meet Willie. The CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO and God knows how many other government bosses, purposefully OUTLAWED the use of early treatment repurpose drugs for Covid 19 patients at HIGH RISK, with the knowledge that these drugs are safe, effective and life saving. This arguably is the most egregious crime in America’s medical history. Your obedient hospital administrators and medical personnel offered NO early treatment, save the dreaded ventilator and toxic Remdesivir. Now get this straight, no matter how much you want it to be a lie. Thousands of doctors worldwide were begging for early treatment because early treatment was saving thousands of lives; but your State health agency and your complicit pharmacy REFUSED to fill a doctor’s prescription for proven drugs. DENIED Americans the freedom to mange their own health — to save their own lives. They refused and hundreds of thousands of Americans died needlessly. It wasn’t and isn’t a thoughtless MISTAKE. That’s not the word. The word is genocide.

The dictatorial Governor of your State and many other States, aided and abetted by State Health Agencies, enforced the Fauci edict denying repurpose drugs, as well as validating vaccine mandates. Today, your Governor sits for interviews, smug, self satisfied, virtuous and guiltless, as the sympathetic savior of his People. And what do the People think of him? At least one citizen thinks the Guv and certain other State officials and lawmakers should visit Willie. ASAP.

And don’t forget the polluted Legacy Media. TV and Big Tech execs in lock step followed Biden and Fauci orders. Never mention early treatment. Lie about repurpose drugs. Suppress the recommendations of  leading scientists, virologists, practicing physicians and those few politicians who were blowing the whistle. Media bosses and their incredibly stupid and self absorbed talking heads are guilty of crimes against humanity.

You haven’t heard one leader in power say, “I’m sorry, We made mistakes. I made critical mistakes. I failed to support the life-saving value of early treatment. I’m responsible. My behavior and decisions were such that I have no recourse but to submit my resignation for the office I now hold.” You will never hear these words from Joe Biden. And that realization tells you all you need to know about the man and thousands of his accomplices.

Willie was a murderous punk and he paid the price. You can only pray and hope the Spooks will eventually wrap their shrouds around those who believe they got away with it.


Ed. Note: Within the last 2-3 months, TV public service announcements have begun recommending early treatment for Covid, touting newly released drugs from Pharma. Funny. Not ha-ha. No mention of the existing, cheap repurpose drugs. The DC power structure relies on the majority of Americans being clueless. Admittedly, very, very few of your friends mention early treatment with repurpose drugs. Or display any outrage. Are Americans clueless? Most likely. Or they simply believe the propaganda. In the 1940’s, the German people wouldn’t believe there were death camps. Go figure.


Certain Beliefs.

This post is aimed at Americans (legal or illegal) who believe the U.S. Constitution is outmoded, that Socialism or Communism is a preferable system of government, that America is systemically racist, that African Americans are entitled to slavery reparations; aimed at Americans who support repeal of the 2nd amendment, BLM, Antifa, WOKE policies, Critical Race Theory, Gender Fluidity, mandated Covid vaccine policy, suppression of Free Speech, Climate Change and the goals of the World Economic Forum. By no means is this a complete list. In summary, if you believe you are entitled to anything supplied to you by the Federal, State or Local governments — outside of what you pay for in taxes (water, garbage pickup, national defense, etc), then, yes, the following comments are aimed at you, regardless of your race, religion, gender, age, IQ, marital status, sexual preference, skin color, dirt poor, filthy rich or in between.

Certain Beliefs of One American Citizen

Life is the Supreme Gift.

Dishonoring Life is the love of Evil.

Individual Freedom is and always has been America’s heart, soul and sinew.

All of history proves that socialism or communism, by whatever name called, and to whatever degree applied, relies on the subjugation of all people and ownership of all essential human needs and services. This is not opinion.

Individuals who think they are entitled to the respect or esteem of others have neither respect or esteem for themselves.

Any American listed as a dependent on a parent’s (or guardian’s) tax return should not have voting privileges.

Regardless of skin color, individuals who support BLM are swindlers.

Antifa individuals are nothing more than common criminals — guilty of theft, destruction and murder.

School boards, administrators and teachers who approve and facilitate CRT, sexual indoctrination and gender studies in elementary school, are the Devil’s Disciples. Period.

WOKE sport organizations – professional and amateur — that allow transgender women, regardless of ability, to play on women’s teams, should be renounced and abandoned by players, coaches and fans.

Military leaders who support WOKE policies have betrayed themselves and their country, and thus should suffer court martial.

Like BLM advocates, Climate Change activists are chisilers and grifters.

The Covid Cabal — Fauci, Biden, the Democrat Party, DHHS, The CDC, the NIH, the WHO, Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Tech, Big Retail Pharmacies, various Governors, various MD’s and leaders of all HMOs — are guilty of continuous, premeditated genocide, or accessories to genocide; thus equally guilty of contributing to death and destruction.

Individuals, regardless of skin color, who believe that Education, Housing, Healthcare and other taxpayer subsidies should be free, should immediately emigrate to the Socialistic countries of their choice.

Until individual African Americans decide to lose “African” and decide they are not inferior, they will remain self-induced victims — under-educated, resentful, bitter slaves to politicians who only want their votes.

Individual politicians — Presidents, Members of Congress, Governors, Members of the Supreme Court — who put their political careers ahead of The Constitution and their country, should suffer public exposure and exile.

If you happened to read this far, your eyebrows likely oscillated a few times, perhaps violently. To be fair, the diplomatic words of this cowboy more clearly and succinctly articulate the true American spirit.





Every so often the Angel on your shoulder whispers. It’s a gentle voice, rather more like an unexpected thought,  a coaxing, out of the blue. It visits anyplace, rain or shine, during quiet times or noisy occasions. You have come to depend on it, to have faith in it. Which brings you to the most recent occasion — when, between pushups 30 and 31, the name Nanny McPhee appeared out of the blue. However, just as quickly as she arrived, Nanny withdrew, unable to compete with your tricep pain. But 24 hours later, she was back. You visualized her comical, buck tooth and the unsightly wart. Think. What is it you remembered about her? She is sent to deal with impossible situations — with chaos. What else? Something important. Yes, she operates with compulsory rules of engagement.

“When you need me, but do not want me, then I must stay.

When you want me, but no longer need me, then I have to go.”

Nowhere is this angel needed more than in the sickest, most corrupt, most chaotic place in America. That would be Washington D.C., home of the Federal Government of the United States. Without a doubt, Nanny would never be engaged by America’s rulers — for two simple reasons. The rulers don’t want her and don’t value anything she’s selling — which is a lot of drippy nonsense called honesty, morality, virtue, character, decency — or in a word — goodness. Understandably, not one trait exists in a cesspool. This harsh condemnation, however justified, is unseemly in this season of reverent celebration. But that’s a funny comment coming from you. Is that what you really think, or was Nanny’s appearance really meant for you? Maybe she’s telling you to crawl out of the self-made prison of your grim, cynical mindset. Crawl out to see the goodness she’s selling. It’s everywhere. Millions of people who follow the Golden Rule. Americans from all walks of life who do honest work to support their families and communities. First responders who answer the calls 24-7. See the skilled hands who grow crops, build cities, heal the sick and protect the vulnerable. Above all, give thanks for the most generous people on earth — people who still believe in America’s enduring ideals. Believe in your fellow Americans and, whatever you do,  don’t give up on them. Especially now. But keeping your chin up doesn’t mean sticking your head in the sand. You and all lovers of goodness have an obligation to unmask those who would cripple a nation and its people. The Federal Government has over 4,000,000 civil workers, including all elected officials. Among them are a number of highly placed evildoers — not your dime-a-dozen sinners — but arch criminals who have subverted America’s charter and are responsible for the death and devastation of millions of Her citizens. These are not cruel allegations based on a mindless prejudice. Nanny would be the first to ask you to open your mind to Truth and Reason, and likewise open your heart to a better Tomorrow for all people. In that spirit, you reach out to those, like you, who need a lift during dark days. Perhaps a visit by an Angel.

In that spirit . . . . . . . .

“Tonight, I want to tell you
the story of an empty stocking.
Once upon a midnight clear
there was a child’s cry.
A blazing star hung over a stable
and wise men came with birthday gifts.
We haven’t forgotten that
night down the centuries.
We celebrate it with
stars on Christmas trees,
with the sound of
bells and with gifts –
but especially with gifts.
You give me a book. I give you a tie.
Aunt Martha has always
wanted an orange squeezer
and Uncle Henry could
do with a new pipe.
Oh, we forget nobody
– adult or child.
All the stockings are filled.
All, that is, except one.
And we have even
forgotten to hang it up.
The stocking for the
child born in the manger.
It’s His birthday we’re celebrating.
Don’t let us ever forget that.
Let us ask ourselves what
He would wish for most
and then let each put in his share.
Loving kindness, warm hearts…
and a stretched-out hand of tolerance.
All the shining gifts
that make peace on earth.”

Acknowledgment: Leonardo Bercovici  and Robert E. Sherwood (screenwriters) Circa 1947




The ranting and raving of critical Dick.