All posts by Dick Toomey


As you get older or old enough, you’re more inclined to disconnect the governor that regulates what brain you have left — leaving you to foolishly publish what thoughts demand your attention. Although your intent is to be constructive, the likelihood is that family, friends, acquaintances and certainly enemies will say those thoughts are simplistic, have no validity and are capriciously fault-finding. You can’t argue with that assessment. That said, you excuse yourself for having unsubstantiated opinions because you represent the vast majority of other slugs like yourself — ordinary people who walk through life thinking what they think based merely on deduction or presumption or prejudice. Well, Matilda, America is a great country because Her people are free to presume — free to offer dumb opinions, offend a grandmother or call the president a jerk. If there were no other reason to live in America, being free to speak your piece is worth “a king’s ransom.” Which brings you to say some things you’ve always thought but mostly kept to yourself out of self interest. But now that your sense of self is quickly vanishing and your interest is basically irrelevant, why not stick your neck out?

Barring another bombshell accusation, it seems that DT is the GOP standard bearer. That fact shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, but it does; because most of the people you hang with prefer that Donald hop the Trump Tower UP escalator and stay up,  to remain unseen indefinitely, like the famous germaphobe celebrity Howard Hughes. The people you hang with, and countless others who populate the Internet and mainstream media, concede that President Trump did an impressive job while in power, but they can’t mask a veiled sneer as part of their acknowledgement. The people you hang out with prefer political corruption and tyrannical stability over political brawls and uncertainty instigated by master provocateur and political trespasser Trump. There’s more to it, of course. They don’t like a wise ass, a bragger and name caller. It turns out that the people who detest Donald are movers and shakers, good citizens, church goers, business owners and educators — by and large, America’s respectable white-collar citizenry. They in fact represent town establishments, city and state governments, dedicated to economic growth, opportunity, health and prosperity for all. Politically, they are quick to declare that Federal Government power should be limited. That something needs to be done, by golly, about the national debt. Also about the border. About inflation. About corruption. About Ukraine. That’s what they say. That’s what they say — for show. But deep down, admit it or not, the establishment at home is precisely like the establishment in Washington. Deep down, the establishment is OK with business as usual. Stability is their idol. However it may be justified, disruption to that stability is not in their immediate interest. For example, the legal profession loves rigorous, complicated government regulations for reasons that don’t need explaining to anyone with a heartbeat. The financial sector loves government spending and convoluted tax law. Accounting firms would blow a fuse if governments implemented a fair, simplified tax form that any slob could understand and file. The bigger the government, the better it is, for big corporations, big non-profits and lobbyists who love doing business with the biggest buyer in the world. Now that your Federal Government runs the medical establishment, the insurance companies and HMOs can rely on rules that assure hospital and  doctor compliance. Why go on? The Federal Government runs the show and has no intention to limit its jurisdiction and power — not an iota. The people you hang with and don’t hang with, the billionaire set, the ordinary filthy rich, the vast media industrial complex, military industrial complex, as well as the vast welfare complex — all have a vested interest in the Federal Government gravy train. The only group off that train is a big one — the broad American working class. You call them producers. They are blue collar and white collar. They make things, build things and fix things. They drive trucks, fly planes, climb poles and protect the vulnerable. Millions of them own small businesses. The gravy train is not for them. Never has been. They don’t prosper because of Government policy. They prosper despite government policy. They don’t ask. They don’t take. They give. They are the original Tea Party. They populated Jan. 6, not out of self-serving interest. No. Out of love for their country. And here’s the thing that gnaws at your gut. Some people you hang with blame them. Blame them for protesting. Blame them for being there. Imagine that. Imagine that. It’s a chilling realization. You have only one regret — you weren’t there to stand with them.

Despite Biden’s destructive administration and low poll numbers and Donald’s sweeping nomination, you have not an ounce of confidence about 2024. Despite the Trump momentum, you worry because some people you hang with and other people of substance who truly don’t appreciate Biden, are madly in love with the gravy.

It’s Time.

It’s an election year. Time for abortion to leave the national stage. Forever. It’s been over 50 years since the SCOTUS ruled that The Constitution generally gave females the right to have abortions. The ruling put “unborn” lives in the hands of millions of these females and the result was that the heartbeats of millions of unborn lives were terminated. Zap. Like stepping on bugs. Being crude is rude. Sorry, but five decades of political abuse and institutionalized killing is worth at least a brutish slap in the face now and then. Now it’s time to talk some common sense. No one will solve the core question. When does life begin? So-called pro-life people, including an atheist or two, say life begins at conception. So-called pro-choice people say life begins when a baby takes his/her first breath out of the womb (those who are offended because other genders aren’t mentioned here should exit this site — immediately). The politicians, self appointed experts and legal eagles think it’s up to them to decide when life is viable and may not be interrupted. Step right up, foks, pick a time, any time — 12 weeks, 16 weeks, 36 weeks. Now that the SCOTUS has punted the abortion ball, the decision belongs to the States or to the Courts. You say it’s “baloney,” exchanging Washington autocrats for local autocrats. No sane person will disagree that taking a breath is undeniable evidence — evidence that is unarguable proof that life exists. That’s a step . No infant should be destroyed after breathing on his/her own. Ending that life is murder. You must recognize, however, that millions believe abortion at any stage of gestation is murder — punishable as a crime. The Christian religion — perhaps all religions — takes a rather dim view of abortion. Then again, millions are free not to be religious. They and others believe in nothing, much less God. They are free to worship Dracula, free not to follow any moral or ethical code whatsoever. Face it, the differences between choice and life are irreconcilable. So it’s time you put aside those differences and suggest what is unacceptable. If you believe in sovereignty of the individual, Governments should leave the pregnancy decision alone to its own devices. That kind of suggestion does nothing but leave both lifers and choosers equally pissed, or as they say in polite society, equally indignant. Each side is irrevocably intractable. So it’s time to let God decide and let God pass judgment and let Society be free to accept or reject abortion on an individual basis. In other words, mind your own business. Of course, it’s not that easy, is it, Matilda? If that’s the way you want it, a lot has to change. Specifically, no government can have the right to use one penny of public treasuries — federal, state or local — to fund the abortion business. Pregnancy is not an illness. With the exception of rape, it is discretionary — arrived at by choice — by intent, by carelessness, promiscuity or stupidity. Without government assistance of any kind, females must manage their abortions whenever, wherever and however they choose. They have options. Planned Parenthood, as a private business, is always poised to welcome them as they line up to cancel junior. There will always be individual medical practitioners who will discreetly terminate pregnancies. You understand that coat hangers and other primitive procedures are no longer in vogue, but knowledgeable midwives are still in business.. It’s time to acknowledge that females have redundant ways to prevent and end pregnancies. You are told that not the least of these are contraception, abstinence. and the “morning after pill.” Whatever the case, abortion is off the table as a societal responsibility. It’s an individual responsibility. Or does that take the fun out of doing the big trick? Regardless, abortion is a cost of living, like your Botox, Starbucks, spring break, Vuori athletic wear, iPhone 15 or a night out with friends. Some party has to pay for it. Truly, that party is you. Or your sperm donor, insurance company, parents, United Way, Family Services, Red Cross, not-for-profit or for-profit party. But not governments. Never governments. It’s time to end it. Like stepping on a bug.

Note:  Government has a responsibility to enforce laws already on the books —  laws that disallow the marketing of fetal tissue — laws to prevent women from being paid to grow babies for harvesting. Left alone, traffickers would establish underground baby factories for the sale and distribution of aborted tissue. Anti-life cartels never go away. Ed.



In his interview a few weeks ago with Tucker, Vladimir Putin made an interesting comment about America. You have to paraphrase. He said he couldn’t understand how the American system can work when 50 states can do their own thing. Funny he should mention that because State sovereignty was the chief intention of the Founders in creating the U.S Constitution. The 13 original States were granted all powers except those expressly enumerated as belonging to the Federal Government. In reality, Putin’s remark was not so funny since it doesn’t reflect what’s true — which is that America’s States now are subservient puppets to Federal authority. Not so funny because in 2024, the Federal Government, at best, operates as a not so soft dictatorship. America’s gradual slide into authoritarianism changed abruptly to a nose-dive with the election of B.H. Obama. His ascendancy was the first time in American history that the People handed the reins to an anti-American — twice. You admit to having contempt for those who voted for him once — but for those who doubled down, you wish you knew the secret to making Voodoo dolls. But, to be fair, America’s descent into dictatorship, and eventually socialism, began modestly with the appointment of chief justice John Marshall in 1801 who reigned for 34 years allowing him time to do all sorts of mischief. Essentially, emulating God, he commanded that The Constitution was not to be taken at face value, but interpreted, giving the Federal Government powers not enumerated by arguably the most enlightened document in human history. In 1801, and now in 2024, you see what happens when the ordinary meddles with the extraordinary. What happens is this. Your country is indebted to the tune of 34 trillion clams. Millions of the People, idiots all, think judgment day will not come and they and anyone they love will not suffer. The U.S. Justice Department (DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc.) is corrupt to the core, operating what amounts to a crime syndicate. Millions of the People, idiots all, think this is conspiracy talk because this is America; and if that were true, somebody would do something about it. Who? Your Federal Authority has control of America’s Health Care, Education, Energy, Labor, Transportation, Banking, Commerce; and more recently, Mainstream Media. And that control means it has authority over you personally. Don’t doubt it for a minute. Millions of the People, idiots all, say there is no way thousands of media workers can be manipulated to behave in an evil way. If that were true, somebody would do something about it. Who? And there’s no way millions of the People could be brainwashed by the medical community; yet millions marched their little children, and some offered up their infants to receive the experimental Covid jab. Idiots all. And now the millions of MAGA People believe that next year Donald John Trump will save the day and America will once again be the “shining city on a hill.” Sorry to disabuse you of that expectation. Won’t happen, Matilda. The best Trump, or any other GOP candidate, could do is apply band-aids to the lacerations left behind by JB. The Border. Energy. Economy. Jobs. Basically attempt to undo the damage. But the 34 trillion? He may increase it as he did in 2016-20. Decrease the size and scope of Federal authority? Nope. Disband the CIA and start over? Nope. The FBI? Nope. Terminate thousands of Fed Deep State bureaucrats as Vivek recommended? Nope. Eliminate DOE? Nope. Nobody wants to hear the death knell, but it will ring louder and louder until the States of America decide to take back power as authorized by the Constitution of the United States, and until the Federal Government has only the limited jurisdiction allowed to it. Here’s the deal. The American people shouldn’t have to worry about some socialist asshole being elected president — as long as the States, in Putin’s words, are empowered to “do their own thing,” under the Law. The People shouldn’t have to worry about a Congress that is worse than the worst thief on the planet, free to commit fraud and spend your country into bankruptcy. Theft is a crime. Criminals should be imprisoned. Ten months from now, DT might be president elect — if he’s not taken out by the court system, or taken out by violence or fraud. But remember, the reason he lives day after day under the axe is because he remains a threat to important political people and their vested ($) interests — and even key players in his own Party don’t want him and never have. Had the GOP establishment united behind him during his term of office, and in ’20, he would today be a two-term president, relaxing at Mar-a-Lago; and Sleepy Joe would be making appearances somewhere looking for adolescent girls to nuzzle. Think of America. What if Biden had not been president? Lives and businesses lost by the millions. Think about it. Somebody should do something about it. Who?

Note: Nineteen States have approved the Convention of States Resolution to amend The Constitution — for the expressed purpose of placing limits on Federal Authority. This is the only remedy to save the Republic and its dedication to individual freedom.  Ed.