Nobody Cares.

Another man has come out of yet another closet to publicize that he’s “gay.” Note that he didn’t use the word “homosexual.” “Gay” is a much more friendly sound — such an endearing, pleasant and happy word, sort of carefree, cheerful and chipper, don’t you think? His name is Trey Pearson, an avowed Christian, married with two children and the lead singer of the rock group Everyday Sunday. Now he’s making headlines for singing an unexpected tune. Bully for him. He showed such courage to publish an open letter in (614) Magazine. “I grew up in a very conservative Christian home where I was taught that my sexual orientation was a matter of choice, and had put all my faith into that.” if you’re interested, you can read the unconstrained outpouring of his feelings elsewhere. Naturally, LGBT members everywhere — especially those in musical entertainment — must be elated. In fact, you wonder why the LGBT leadership (if there is a leadership) doesn’t begin passing out medals to people who fight their way out of the closet. A Closet Commendation Medal could read something like this:

Trey Pearson, USA Citizen and Lead Singer, distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious service under great emotional stress. Singlehanded, without logistical support, he broke the bonds of heterosexual servitude, and overcame threats to himself and his career; and for this perseverance and devotion to his sense of honor, he has reflected credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the LGBT Nation.

This insensitive sarcasm certainly will provoke a beat-down scolding. Fair enough. And you couldn’t care less. You’ve essentially had it with the “coming outs.” Every day in every family, people wrestle with all sorts of personal issues, grappling with marital turmoil, substance abuse, ubiquitous ED, crippling disease, mental illness, terminal illness, career failure, etc. The last time you looked, your neighbor didn’t take out an ad in a magazine or newspaper to spill his guts, air his laundry and admit he cheated on his spouse. You thus question the “need to know.” Pearson told his wife (and kids)and received nothing but heartfelt support. Likewise his folks, you guess. Terrific. Just terrific. You can appreciate he would confide in his closest friends and business associates to avoid awkward conversations and relationships. Simple logic. But, no, advising those people who need to know, who must know,  just isn’t good enough, is it Trey? You want millions of people who don’t know you, who will never know you and will never be in your company, to read your innermost thoughts and feelings. Catholics slip into confessional booths. You grab a bull horn. But that’s what celebs do. Michael Sam basked in the LGBT limelight before advertising his preference to future NFL teammates. And that’s what “coming out” is all about —  advertising. It’s not about a self-described self respect or courage or honesty or integrity. It’s about social prospecting, alerting a bevy of unknown contenders without spending a nickel. It’s possible Trey Pearson will find a way to reconcile his faith with a potentially promiscuous lifestyle ( ); regardless, he did his wife a colossal favor by cutting her and the kids loose to let them find a normal and constant life. How Pearson lives his life is his business. He deserves privacy, but obviously doesn’t want it and won’t get it by shouting his sexuality from the rooftops. Likewise, if the rest of the LGBT crowd wants tolerance and consideration, they need to back off the incessant demands and the militant BS. Nobody cares what they do with their genitalia, as long as they take it to the right bathroom. Nobody cares what the straight crowd — the  97% crowd — do with their genitalia either.  Maybe God cares.

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