Stand Down.

With a modicum of history education, you learned that most of the world’s people, those you criticized for being mindless sheep, allowed themselves to suffer under dictatorships. Well, get busy eating your presumptuous and insolent opinions, because now you know how and why that happens. In this, a free society, witness the gibberish that emanates from the mendacious mouth of an individual who could very well slam and nail shut the open American coffin. Hillary Clinton said the United States should not adopt a policy that calls for surveillance of Muslim neighborhoods because it is “not only offensive, it’s too dangerous.” She wants all of us, including the Muslim communities, to work together to solve the terrorist threat. ” . . . we want everybody to feel together on our common defense against terrorism.” Targeting these communities for special attention, she suggests, would be an affront to them and an invasion of their protected civil rights. Besides, militant action on our part would only incite them to commit more violence. Time out while you lose a boiled egg and assorted fruits. You are stupefied that this foul-mouthed old lady can muster one vote, let alone millions; and that you must be forced to share the planet with her adoring imbeciles. This is a woman whose incompetence and callous disregard allowed four Americans to die a needless death at Benghazi. This is a woman who broke sensitive cyber security laws, putting American lives and national security at grave risk. This is a woman who, as Secretary of State and with the approval of her Muslim sympathizer boss, implemented a foreign policy that gave rise to ISIS and the convulsion of the Middle East. This is a woman who has not constructed one accomplishment as a private citizen or as a pubic leech, and who served as the enforcer to silence her sleaze husband’s accusers. This is a woman who stole White House furnishings and may own more murdered friends and associates than the late John Gotti. Yet, incomprehensibly, this woman says she’s qualified to be Commander in Chief of the U.S. Military. Let that sink in. If this duplicitous dragon ever stands in front of God and the American people to recite the Oath of Office, you have two words for every man and woman in uniform. Stand down. How many lies, how much deceit and how much failure will the people stomach before you say, “No more?” You would prefer to believe her reaction to Brussels was a case of simple stupidity. Not the case. She personally has been part of crime activities long enough to know that U.S. Law Enforcement always targets people where they hide. They could be Italian, Greek, Irish, African, Cajun, Puerto Rican or God forbid, Muslim. Surveillance and undercover activities are the cornerstones of crime prevention — essential tactics that save lives. Dirty Harry didn’t patrol the stunning vistas of Sea Cliff. Likewise, something tells you that Woodley Park, Georgetown or Park Avenue aren’t the ripest hunting grounds for Muslim terrorists. Something tells you that peaceful Muslims would certainly welcome a law enforcement presence in their neighborhoods. Wouldn’t they? Wouldn’t they? Well? Talk to a room of 5th graders, and they will agree that terrorists are indistinguishable among their general Islamic population, free to plot their next atrocity in the name of Allah. Hillary knows the drill all too well. By now an expert at risking other people’s lives, she is more than willing to speculate on further innocent life than hazard her political standing with her party and her base. Predictably, right on cue, she attacks Cruz and Trump for “treating American Muslims like criminals . . .” We can’t trust this world to trigger happy hawks like them. No, we must have a strong leader, a steady hand, an able Commander in Chief. Hillary Clinton has hung out in Washington DC for 24 years. You offer one question: Is America a better, stronger and safer place for her having been there? You know of many people who would like to answer that question, but they’re dead now.

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