
Donald Trump deserves a Nobel Prize. Unfortunately, no category exists for his achievement. The Academy proffers awards only in Literature, Medicine, Peace and Physics. The time has come to add the Nobel Prize for Politics. Donald doesn’t merit this honor for anything as mundane as winning a nomination or an election, assuming either one happens. His accomplishment goes much deeper if neither one does. Trump has marched himself into the Washington DC gated community and blown it sky high. Like Caddyshack’s Carl Spackler, aka, Bill Murray, Trump has the inhabitants scurrying madly, attempting to avoid the latest bomb. No other politician (he isn’t one)in anyone’s memory could pull off this achievement — finally exposing the underbelly of the GOP. For decades, the dumb peasants thought the GOP was an opposition force, battling courageously against the forces of Big Brother Government, against erosion of capitalism, against the creep of socialism, against stifling regulation, against suicidal spending, against crony capitalism and against pernicious taxation. For years, every GOP candidate pulled out the RNC playbook to recite the game plan and talking points and to promise action — if elected. Sorry to be profane, but it was, and is, bullshit. Without even trying, Trump has “pulled the mask off that old Lone Ranger”(thanks Jim Croce). The GOP and Democrat Parties are kissing cousins and perhaps more. Both couldn’t care less who becomes President as long as it isn’t Trump. They prefer Hillary — at the very least, she will keep the gravy train chugging, chugging right along. They could even tolerate the hated Cruz since he’s a member of the Club and does have political self interest and ambition. But Donald? He’s a wild card, a firebrand, a (gasp) reformer. He won’t dance the Washington Two-Step. He doesn’t need the influence peddlers. Get it? And the mask is also off other special interests. With Trump, The Media Elitists lose their precious leverage because all these self important commentators and pundits care about is celebrity status and consulting fees. The Establishment feeds them. He doesn’t like, fear or need them. Good for him. The majority of Evangelicals claim to covet conservative principles. Don’t look now but they’re out of the closet, too, with only one true goal — a theocracy — ironically like those they condemn who espouse Sharia. No group bashes Trump more than moralistic, virtuous Christians whose single issue is a religious litmus test. They close their eyes and listen to Ted — and easily imagine sitting in the front pew. Along came Trump, and out of the back alleys and other big city streets come professional Socialist Mobs whose ancestors rioted in 1930’s Berlin and dozens of other fascist countries across the globe. Recently, you saw them in Ferguson and Baltimore and on college campuses. Freedom haters never go away.  Trump, a capitalist poster boy, is their five-star enemy. Foreign leaders also can’t seem to contain themselves. Could it be they worry Trump might visit the value of U.S. foreign aid? In 2017, one of two things will happen. America either regains Her Constitutional footing to achieve health and prosperity, or She submits to European style Socialism. It’s a clear choice. But, thanks to Trump, win or lose, the American people forever see the two-party Establishment for what it is — one party rule. And they will not be fooled again.

18 thoughts on “Underbelly.”

  1. all so true. I pray he gets his chance to put an end to all the political bullshit we’ve been feed for years

  2. This is the BEST statement of the real situation in our Nation that I have read. Thank you, Dick. Hang in there, Sir,

  3. The best description I’ve EVER heard for explaining what’s going on today. If the Republicans interfere with this election in order to bring Trump down, it will be the end of any shred of credibility, however small, they have left. What bullies.

  4. Don’t kno\w the unintended consequences of electing him will be, BUT it’s got to be better than the crap we’ve seen from the GOP. Reminds me of the Keystone Kops led bt Larry, Moe & Curly.

  5. Let’s get “organized” as –

    “The 4th Branch Republican Party”

    The PEOPLE are the Fourth Branch of government. The Fourth Branch has the ultimate authority to abolish the 1st, 2nd and 3rd – Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches.

    I was an active Demo Party voter until the left wing turned the bus even sharper to the left. I fell off the right side. I have since 1990 stayed “unaffiliated” and would like to have a real “party” again.

    Gene Boyce, Raleigh, N. C.

  6. While I agree with the essay I must also point out the Nobel Committee awards prizes in Chemistry and Economics as well.

  7. Gene, I think a “new” party is already gestating — I’ve never been a fan of Liberal and Conservative as defining terms — Trump may be the catalyst for this party whether he’s nominated or not. My biggest beef with voters is they have single issue fixation. The continuation or abolition of Roe Vs Wade won’t save America.

  8. I will not vote Democrat or Republican again. If Donald Trump does not get in, it is because they (the establishment Dem and GOP) are worried their IV from our pockets into theirs will be compromised. They make me sick.

  9. Terrific article – thanks! If the Rep. elite fool around with dumping Trump and replacing him with someone they would like – shame shame! Also I believe it would be a recipe for allowing Hillary to be elected – heaven forbid.

  10. I agree that The Donald has been the catalyst in exposing the establishment. Over the last hundred years the voters have been flip-flopping between Dems and Reps trying to find an American President. During my lifetime I saw two American Presidents, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, never mind that their private lives were 180 from each other. I have a blog entry titled “Qeu Pasa” that I think would complement this entry. “The Donald” is the only candidate that I see stands a chance of bridging the gap between the Democratic Republic of the United States Of America and the Democratic Republic of the United States Of America 2.0.

  11. Two huge events, comparatively close to each other will be world changing, they are Great Britain’s exit of the EU and Donald Trump making it into the white house. Personally as I see it the few shadowy people that decide Americas future and foreign policies also decide who will sit in the White house not the people, and I cannot see them for one moment allowing trump to be the President……….. John Foster Dulles springs to mind.

  12. An excellent description of reality. I have seldom read an commentary that is so clear, concise and calls it the way it is.
    Donald Trump is paying the price for being honest, realistic and the only one of all the establishment candidates that can bring his lips to say, MAKE AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN. The hit man for the etablishment will be Priebus and his henchmen, Ryan, Walker, National Review and the rest of the establishment.

  13. I think the Establishment is being misrepresented. The name was not invented by conservatives, rather it was pinned on them by the by the radical liberals who have reinvented themselves as Progressives, separative but attaching themselves to the traditional Democratic party.

    Dating back in time we are now witnessing the results
    of educational system promoting the acceptance of the
    anti authority teaching that questions every conservative

    We are at a crisis whether the principals that founded
    and developed this society can prevail in this environment
    that is embracing the concepts of Socialism replacing the
    principals that the conservatives are determined to deny.

    This may be the last election.

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