What’s Wrong With The World

Some people want to take what belongs to others. In a nutshell, that’s the basis of all conflict among humans. If individuals the world over would respect the rights of other individuals — in other words, leave them and their property alone — things would be just fine, thank you. But some humans can’t bring themselves to allow others their liberty. We call these humans The Controllers. In one way or another, Controllers are predators. They take what doesn’t belong to them. They steal through force and deception. Except for Nature’s pestilence — weather and disease — all human despair is the work of Controllers. Who are these people? They’re all around you. The honest ones are The Marauders who take risks.These are the outright criminals — murderers, batterers, thieves, rapists, terrorists, cheats and the like. The prisons are full of these individuals and millions more of them walk around undetected. Without them, we would need the police only to catch innocent speeders and handle the carnage on our highways. The Legislators are predators who make laws allowing governments to steal money from one individual and give it to another. This practice is not called slavery because The Legislators are elected. But however you slice it, governments confiscate the wages (labor) of The Producers under the threat of imprisonment. Involuntary servitude did not end in 1865. The Carnivores are the millions of individuals who willingly and knowingly encourage The Legislators to steal more and more of the earnings of ordinary citizens. Under the guise of government respectability, The Carnivores steal from their neighbors, families and friends and feel perfectly justified in doing so. Perhaps the worst of Controllers are The Dictators. These ultimate criminals, with the backing of an army of Marauders, confiscate material resources and enslave people through fear of incarceration or death. Quickly, the Mafia comes to mind. The Controllers come in all sexes, sizes, races and religious persuasions. They are rich and poor and ethnically diverse. But they share one thing in common — the determination to plunder what is not theirs. In the natural order of things, The Carnivores, like locusts or leeches, always grow in number. They enthusiastically give power to The Legislators who, as payment for power, do their bidding. The Producers — or prey — are the slaves. They are rich and poor and ethnically diverse. But they share certain things in common — the determination to work, fend for themselves and place no burden on their neighbors. But, at the point of a gun, they turn over much of what they earn to The Controllers. Who are these people? Think about it.

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