Sissy Pathology.

Late last year on a talk show Lt. Col. Ralph Peters said Barack Obama “is such a pussy, it’s stunning.” Shame on him for telling the truth. Regrettably, even straight talking Brit Stuart Varney said he should apologize. Perhaps the Colonel didn’t realize it; but in that offhand and somewhat insolent remark, he in fact stumbled upon a theory that explains the totality of Obama’s political behavior — his ideology, his actions, his inactions and his preposterous pronouncements. Consider his response to Kimberly, a rape victim who faced him at the recent CNN Town Hall meeting on gun control.

Kimberly said:

As a survivor of rape, and now a mother to two small children — you know, it seems like being able to purchase a firearm of my choosing, and being able to carry that wherever my — me and my family are . . . .I have been unspeakably victimized once already, and I refuse to let that happen again to myself or my kids. So why can’t your administration see that these restrictions that you’re putting to make it harder for me to own a gun . . . . are actually just making my kids and me less safe?

OBAMA replied:

Well, Kimberly, first of all . . . your story is horrific. The strength you’ve shown in telling your story and, you know, being here tonight is remarkable, and so — I’m really proud of you for that . . . there really is nothing we’re proposing that prevents you or makes it harder for you to purchase a firearm if you need one. There are always questions as to whether or not having a firearm in the home protects you from that kind of violence, and I’m not sure we can resolve that. People argue both sides. What is true is . . . is that you have to be pretty well trained in order to fire a weapon against somebody who is assaulting you  . . .  for now, what I just want to focus on is that you certainly would like to make it a little harder for that assailant to also have a gun. You certainly would want to make sure that if he gets released, that he now can’t do what he did to you to somebody else . . . And so, you know, if you look at statistics, there’s no doubt that there are times where somebody who has a weapon has been able to protect themselves . . . but what is more often the case is that they may not have been able to protect themselves, but . . . end up being the victim of the weapon that they purchased themselves. And that is — that’s something that can be debated.

Excuse me, while you allow me to vomit. This condescending “Commander in Chief” has the gall to educate this brave lady — that having a gun would likely be more dangerous than not having one. He doesn’t simply agree that she should be able to have a gun and make it harder for the bad person to have one. Oh no. He is compelled to preach that maybe she would be better off not having a gun. He could not help insisting repeatedly that the value of owning or not owning a gun “can be argued by both sides,” that it “can be debated.” You’re brain dead if you think Barack Obama is not trying to take the first step to disarm America. But don’t you see? It fits his pathology — the pathology of a sissy — the pathology of a boy who wasn’t reared for manhood, for manliness — a boy who was never spanked —  a boy raised primarily by a mother and doting grandparents — a boy sheltered — a boy  pampered — a boy who never had his butt kicked by a Father or a friend — a boy who hung out with boys like himself — a boy who knew he was a sissy and resented it — a boy who compensated for being a sissy by talking and lying his way into political circles — a boy who never wanted to dirty his own hands but didn’t mind associating with those who did  dirty work for him — a boy who embraced Marxism because Marxist ideology itself resents America’s exceptionalism and America’s admiration for individuality. It all fits. Obama wants to emasculate the strong at home and pander to those abroad. The sissy wants to wield power on the outside to make up for being a wuss on the inside. All the signs are there. The way he acts. The way he talks. Even the way he walks.  Peters had the nerve to say it out loud. Leave it to a soldier not to pussyfoot around.

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